Tuesday, July 13, 2010


So, this is supposed to be the Empire Avenue version of Follow Friday. I am going to make a few ticker picks from the people I have connected with on Empire Avenue. The people who are interactive, interesting, and  converse because it is who they are and what they do, not for stock value. They talk, pass along and interact with me and I honestly enjoy following them, reading their blogs etc.

We started about the same time, and e(EGOANT) / e(KNAVES) is the first person I clicked with. The reason I actually joined Empire Avenue was to find people like Aaron. The information he passes through twitter is 9/10 times something I am interested in. He has helped me with stupid computer-ish stuff a couple times. He was absolutely hilarious when he ran a contest that spammed the crap out of his twitter followers, and now finally having met him at the last Empire meetup, i got to find out that my internet spidey senses were right for once. He is a pretty nice guy. (and he has flowers in his office it is on his youtube video hehe and the cutest baby!)

Sigh, I kinda have to pick e(JOSH) because he let me brainstorm on his blog to try and figure out how everything worked around here. We have competed with each other friendly style from day one. He is just lucky people like me more than him and I have to keep selling off my portfolio to have shares to sell, or I would totally be kicking his ass.

I also have to pick e(KYLE). Dude is freaking hilarious. NICE person and absolute hilarity all wrapped into one is so win/win. And if you ever get the chance to watch him play Guitar Hero on twitter, so do it! Great show! I should have had to pay to watch it :/

Ok I need to stop or I won't have any for like next week. I really have so many ticker tuesdays it is crazy.
although I am now going to admit my twitter stalking. e(CAPS) is on Empire Avenue. as far as I can tell I stumbled onto him and @justinvl on twitter by some weird accident I dunno lol. Pretty sure neither of them are following me back. I am totally cyber stalking their conversations all the time. And it is freaking hilarious. CAPS doesn't seem to ever show up one EA to even go spend his money. But if you want to watch those two banter and hear about his crazy neighbours, they are a most def follow.


  1. I had to #tt the beer community http://www.empireavenue.com/community/beer because a couple of our members have fallen off the wall, and we're back down to 96.
    96 members of beer on the wall, 96 members of beer...

  2. LOL you stick the members of beer on the wall??? aren't I in that community??
